About us 2024-12-27T11:37:32+00:00

Our History

Ports & Shipping Advisory (P&S Advisory) was founded in 2014. Based on its member’s special know-how and experiences from the port and maritime industry, P&S Advisory aims at providing to its customers consulting services based on their peculiar needs. P&S Advisory has been engaged in several projects in the port and maritime industry, providing services to well-known port operators, shipping and financial companies, including among others PORTEK International, Mitsui Co., DP World, COSCO Group, Piraeus Port Authority S.A., Ernst & Young Greece Ltd. Ec.

Our Services

P&S Advisory aims at providing qualitative consulting services according to the customer’s needs.
The company’s services include:


Provision of specialised consulting services to companies, organisations and public entities on issues related to administration and organisation, policy and strategy with a focus on the port and shipping industry.


Development of studies for port authorities, terminal operators, shipping companies and other companies regarding:

  • Market analysis
  • Strategic development
  • Operational issues
  • Business plan
  • Marketing plan


Development of studies for public organisations, institutions and authorities in issues related to the competitiveness of the port and maritime industry as well as the formation of port and maritime policies at local, peripheral and national level.


Provision of quality educational services to private and public entities in issues related to port and maritime policy, port industry organisational and administration models as well as on port planning, port strategy and marketing.

Our Team

Ports & Shipping Advisory members have long term experience in the academic sector as well as on hand experience in the port industry and port related public authorities.

P&S Advisory members have been engaged in the port industry having a first-hand experience on port operational and strategic development issues as well as on the formation of relevant national and EU policies. Also P&S Advisory members have undertaken several contract research from port industry related companies and from governmental authorities and organisations.

In the academia, P&S Advisory members are engaged in lecturing on port and maritime industry modules in several European and International academic institutions while they are also participating and initiating relevant cutting edge research. P&S Advisory members are affiliated with the PortEconomics.eu web initiative which aims to foster port relevant research.

Team Members

Dr. George K. VaggelasManaging Director
Dr. George Vaggelas is a Partner and Managing Director at “Ports and Shipping Advisory” and an Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport of the University of the Aegean (Greece). He has previously been an advisor to the President and CEO of Thessaloniki Port Authority S.A. (Greece), a member of the Greek Regulatory Authority for Ports.
George has more than 10 years of experience in consulting and research on port and shipping issues and he has been involved also in European and national projects examining the port and maritime industries. A specialist in passenger ports, port management, port economics and port policy issues, George has authored several papers published in international scientific journals and international conferences examining seaport economics and politics of seaports. He has undertaken several scientific and contract research projects regarding the port and shipping industry, financed by International Terminal Operators, Port Authorities and the European Union.
George Vaggelas holds a BSc (Shipping & Enterpreneurship), an MSc in Shipping Trade and Transport (STT), and a Phd (2008), from the School of Business, University of the Aegean, Greece.
Dr. Athanasios A. PallisPartner
Dr. Athanasios A. (Thanos) Pallis is Partner and Senior Consultant at “Ports & Shipping Advisory”, Associate Professor at the Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport, of the University of the Aegean, Greece (Jean Monnet in European Port Policy) and the co-director of PortEconomics – a web-based initiative advancing knowledge exchange on port economics, management and policies.
A Fulbright Scholar (2008-11) at the Centre for Energy, Marine Transportation and Public Policy (CEMTPP), Columbia University, New York, US, he holds a Visiting Professor post at the Centre for International Trade and Transportation, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada (since 2007) and lectures at the University of Antwerp, ITMMA (since 2006).
His research and teaching interests include port economics and policy; (maritime) transport policies and governance; the applications of microeconomic and industrial policies in the transportation sector. Thanos served as General Secretary for Ports & Port Policy, Ministry of Development, Competitiveness and Shipping, Hellenic Republic, and Member of the National Council for the Development of State assets (2011-12). His responsibilities included the representation of Greece at the European Ports Policy decision-making, and negotiations with the IMF/European Commission/ECB Troika on Greek port policy reform. A regular contributor at OECD, UNCTAD, European Commission, IAPH, AIVP, and ESPO discussions regarding the shaping of the port sector, he participated in research teams advising the European Commission and national governments on port performance and benchmarks.  Contract research includes projects and consultancy studies examining the structures of the European port industry and other maritime topics has been financed, among others, by the European Commission, UNCTAD, national governments and competition authorities in Europe and North America, port authorities, associations representing port and shipping interests, and several shipping and maritime related companies. Thanos Pallis received his BSc (Economics) from Athens University of Economics, Greece (1992), his MA (Economics of European Integration) from Exeter University, UK (1993), and his Ph.D. from the School of Management, University of Bath, UK in 1998.